Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Anti-Racism

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Anti-Racism

There is no place for racism or discrimination in our systems, policies, programs, or community.

Northwest Children’s Theater (NWCT) has a mission to educate, entertain, and enrich the lives of young audiences. We recognize that we fall short of this mission unless all of our programs, from productions to classes to employment, are welcoming, equitable and have been designed with and for people of all ages, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, genders, as well as people with neurodivergence or disabilities.

Updates & Action Items

NWCT has heard the request for transparency around the anti-racist work happening in our organization.  A reverse-chronological list of updates, statements, and actions we’ve taken since June 1, 2020 can be found here.

Talking to Your Kids about Race and Racism

Children are constantly curious about the world around them. Some conversations (like saying “please”) are easy, while others (like understanding racism) are much harder. Fortunately, the number of resources to help kids (and adults!) understand these topics have skyrocketed in recent years.

Ways to Get Involved as a Family

No Small Acts

No Small Acts is NWCT’s original web-series aimed at sharing the little things that members of the NWCT community are doing to keep the Black Lives Matter movement moving forward outside of protesting, donating, contacting government officials and other larger actions.

Volunteer With or Donate to Social Justice Organizations

These are just a few organizations focused on youth in our community who are leading the charge toward social justice.

Thank You NWCT Sponsors