Where Your Money Goes

Northwest Children’s Theater and School receives 65-75% of its income from ticket sales and tuition. Charitable foundations, corporations and individuals help us to fill the gap with donations that support NWCT’s award-winning programs. These donations underwrite the full scope of NWCT’s artistic and educational programming, and are occasionally identified to support a particular project or capital improvement.


Here are some specific ways our donors are making a difference at NWCT today:


  • $100 Pays for 28 under-served students to see a school matinee

  • $250 Pays one scholarship to an NWCT theater class

  • $500 Pays for mic batteries and maintenance for one Mainstage show

  • $750 Pays for the raw materials to construct one Mainstage set

  • $1,000 Pays for the theater’s electricity for one month

  • $2,500 Pays for a theater arts residency at an area school

  • $5,000 Pays for print media advertising for one Mainstage show

  • $10,000 Pays the printing and mailing of a season brochure


Donors wishing to discuss gifts larger than $10,000, multi-year gifts, challenge grants, estate giving or endowments are invited to contact NWCT Managing Director Judy Kafoury.


Seeing a play or taking a class at NWCT is often a child’s first introduction to the arts in Portland. By providing meaningful support to NWCT, our donors ensure that NWCT’s award-winning programming remains available, accessible and affordable. An investment in NWCT today also ensures there will be future generations of patrons and supporters for other cultural institutions, like the ballet, symphony, opera and museums.

Thank You NWCT Sponsors