Mainstage Auditions

Mainstage Auditions

Audition for the World Premiere of Blue Marigold!

Tuesday, August 13 & Wednesday, August 14 (slots between 5-8:30pm)

Auditions are for adult performers for the following roles:

Adult Actor 1 – Latina, 30s-40s

MOM (she/her), AKA Dr. Flores, Sammy’s mom, navigating big changes in her life, while also trying to protect Sammy 

MARTINEZ (she/her), supercop, to serve and protect at all costs 

Doubles as: TEACHER 1 / TEACHER 2 / STUDENT 1 

Adult Actor 2 – Latina, 50s-60s 

LUPE (she/her), AKA Nana, Sammy’s maternal grandmother, always there for her family

DOÑA DOLORES, kind viejita or un poco brujita?

LADY DEATH, the human form of Mictecacihuatl

No preparation needed. Sides will be provided at the audition.
You must pre-register for Mainstage auditions.

Show & Rehearsal Information:

Blue Marigold
Written by Mabelle Reynoso
Directed by Yasmin Ruvalcaba
Part of the TYA BIPOC Superhero Project

Sammy Flores is just trying to survive her new home, new school, and a mom who doesn’t seem to understand her. When she discovers her secret superpower from the Land of the Dead – everything changes. 

Part mystery, part action thriller, and part high school drama, Blue Marigold reminds us that with great power comes great responsibility.

Show dates:
– School Matinees: October 9 (TBD), 10, 16, 17 (TBD), 18, 22 (TBD), 24, 25 (TBD), 29 (TBD), 30, 31 (TBD)
at 10am & 12:30pm
– Public Shows: October 12 – 27, Saturdays 12pm (TBD) & 3pm, Sundays 12pm & 3pm (TBD), November 2 at 7:30pm

Rehearsal dates:
– September 3 – October 8


Adult performers are paid $15.45 per hour for all rehearsals, meetings, and performances.

NWCT is committed to reflecting the diversity of our stories and community. We encourage performers who align with the actor breakdown and character descriptions to audition.
If you have any questions, please contact Max O’Hare at

Thank You NWCT Sponsors